- 01.Magic Tree House Series
- 01.Dinosaurs Before Dark(勇闯恐龙谷)
- 02.The Knight at Dawn(古堡惊魂夜)
- 03.Mummies in the Morning(木乃伊之谜)
- 04.Pirates Past Noon(寻宝加勒比)
- 05.Night of the Ninjas(忍者的秘密)
- 06.Afternoon on the Amazon(亚马孙探险)
- 07.Sunset of the Sabertooth(勇斗剑齿虎)
- 08.Midnight on the Moon(月球漫游记)
- 09.Dolphins at Daybreak(与海豚共舞)
- 10.Ghost Town at Sundown(孤独的牛仔)
- 11.Lions at Lunchtime(狮口逃生记)
- 12.Polar Bears Past Bedtime(致敬北极熊)
- 13.Vacation Under the Volcano(逃离火山城)
- 14.Day of the Dragon King(误入秦皇陵)
- 15.Viking Ships at Sunrise(海盗湾历险记)
- 16.Hour of the Olympics(寻诗古希腊)
- 17.Tonight on the Titanic(冰海大沉船)
- 18.Buffalo Before Breakfast(印第安传奇)
- 19.Tigers at Twilight(丛林大逃亡)
- 20.Dingoes at Dinnertime(袋鼠的礼物)
- 21.Civil War on Sunday(战地小记者)
- 22.Revolutionary War on Wednesday(巧遇华盛顿)
- 23.Twister on Tuesday(冲出龙卷风)
- 24.Earthquake in the Early Morning(绝命大地震)
- 25.Stage Fright on a Summer Night(仲夏夜惊梦)
- 26.Good Morning, Gorillas(早安大猩猩)
- 27.Thanksgiving on Thursday(宴会奇遇)
- 28.High Tide in Hawaii(逐浪夏威夷)
- 29.A Big Day for Baseball(绝妙棒球赛)
- 30.Hurricane Heroes in Texas(飓风小英雄)
- 31.Warriors in Winter(冬日小勇士)
- 32.To the Future, Ben Franklin!(未来大决战)
- 33.Narwhal on a Sunny Night(晴夜的独角鲸)
- 34.Late Lunch with Llamas(可怕的沙尘暴)
- 35.Camp Time in California(加州露营时光)
- 36.Sunlight on the Snow Leopard(阳光照在雪豹上)
- 37.Rhinos at Recess(休息的犀牛)
- 38.Time of the Turtle King(龟王时代)
- 39.Windy Night with Wild Horses(风夜野马)
- 02.Merlin Missions Series
- 01.Christmas in Camelot(魔法国的圣诞节 )
- 02.Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve(万圣节前夜的灵异城堡)
- 03.Summer of the Sea Serpent(夏日海怪)
- 04.Winter of the Ice Wizard(寒冰巫师)
- 05.Carnival at Candlelight(烛光嘉年华)
- 06.Season of the Sandstorms(可怕的沙尘暴)
- 07.Night of the New Magicians(新魔术师之夜)
- 08.Blizzard of the Blue Moon(蓝月亮风暴)
- 09.Dragon of the Red Dawn(红色暮光之龙)
- 10.Monday with a Mad Genius(星期一和一个疯狂的天才)
- 11.Dark Day in the Deep Sea(深海中黑暗的一天)
- 12.Eve of the Emperor Penguin(帝企鹅前夕)
- 13.Moonlight on the Magic Flute(魔幻长笛上的月光)
- 14.A Good Night for Ghosts
- 15.Leprechaun in Late Winter
- 16.A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time
- 17.A Crazy Day with Cobras
- 18.Dogs in the Dead of Night
- 19.Abe Lincoln at Last!
- 20.A Perfect Time for Pandas
- 21.Stallion by Starlight
- 22.Hurry Up, Houdini!
- 23.High Time for Heroes
- 24.Soccer on Sunday
- 25.Shadow of the Shark
- 26.Balto of the Blue Dawn
- 27.Night of the Ninth Dragon
- 03.Magic Tree House Fact Tracker Series
- 01.Dinosaurs
- 02.Knights and Castles
- 03.Mummies and Pyramids
- 04.Pirates
- 05.Rain Forests
- 06.Space
- 07.Titanic
- 08.Twisters and Other Terrible Storms
- 09.Dolphins and Sharks
- 10.Ancient Greece and the Olympics
- 11.American Revolution
- 12.Sabertooths and the Ice Age
- 13.Pilgrims
- 14.Ancient Rome and Pompeii
- 15.Tsunamis and Other Natural Disasters
- 16.Polar Bears and the Arctic
- 17.Sea Monsters
- 18.Penguins and Antarctica
- 19.Leonardo da Vinci
- 20.Ghosts
- 21.Leprechauns and Irish Folklore
- 22.Rags and Riches
- 23.Snakes and Other Reptiles
- 24.Dog Heroes
- 25.Abraham Lincoln
- 26.Pandas and Other Endangered Species
- 27.Horse Heroes
- 28.Heroes for All Times
- 29.Soccer
- 30.Ninjas and Samurai
- 31.China
- 32.Sharks and Other Predators
- 33.Vikings
- 34.Dogsledding and Extreme Sports
- 35.Dragons and Mythical Creatures
- 36.World War II
- 37.Baseball
- 38.Wild West
- 39.Texas
- 40.Warriors
- 41.Benjamin Franklin
- 42.Narwhals and Other Whales
- 43.Llamas and the Andes
- 04.Magic Tree House Super Edition Series
- 01.Danger in the Darkest Hour
神奇树屋(Magic Tree House)系列是由美国著名儿童文学作家玛丽·波·奥斯本(Mary Pope Osborne)创作的一套儿童文学作品。该系列以杰克(Jack)和安妮(Annie)两兄妹的冒险故事为主线,通过一个神奇的树屋带领读者穿越到不同的历史时期和地点,体验各种刺激的冒险旅程。
Magic Tree House Series 系列图书适合初学阅读章节书的读者。
Merlin Missions Series 1-27 册是为 7-10 岁的高级读者编写的。Merlin Missions 最初是按 Magic Tree House Series 顺序排列的,从第 29 册 Christmas in Camelot开始,随着 25 周年重印,这些书被分成了独立的系列,原本是 Magic Tree House Series 第29册的 Christmas in Camelot ,成为了 Merlin Missions 的第1册。
Magic Tree House Fact Tracker Series 是与《神奇树屋》系列相配套的非虚构类读物。这个系列旨在帮助孩子们深入了解《神奇树屋》故事中涉及的历史和科学知识。这个配套系列涵盖了广泛的主题,包括恐龙、骑士和城堡、木乃伊和金字塔、海盗、忍者和武士、雨林、剑齿虎和冰川时代、太空等。每本书都提供了与《神奇树屋》故事中相对应的历史背景和科学知识的详细信息。这些书籍不仅包含了最新的信息、照片、插图,还有来自杰克和安妮的趣味小贴士,是孩子们深入了解他们最喜欢的《神奇树屋》冒险话题的完美方式。
Magic Tree House Super Edition Series 是《神奇树屋》系列的扩展版本,这个系列是《神奇树屋》主线故事的补充,提供了更长篇幅的故事,并且对英语水平的要求更高。这些特别版的故事通常包含更复杂的情节和更深入的历史或科学背景,目前只出了一本。