银河帝国:基地7部曲 | Foundation Series (1-7) by Isaac Asimov
01.Foundation(基地) 02.Foundation and Empire(基地与帝国) 03.Second Foundation(第二基地) 04.Foundation's Edge(基地边缘) 05.Foundation and Earth(基地与地球) 06.Prelude to Foundation(基地前奏) 07.Forward the Foundation(迈向基… -
银河帝国:机器人系列 | Robot Series by Isaac Asimov
01.I, Robot(我,机器人)(Robot #0.1) 02.The Rest of the Robots(Robot #0.2) 03.The Complete Robot(Robot #0.3) 04.The Caves of Steel(钢穴)(Robot #1) 05.The Naked Sun(裸阳)(Robot #2) 06.The Robots of Dawn(曙光中的机器人)… -
安德的游戏系列 | Ender’s Saga by Orson Scott Card
0.5.First Meetings in Ender's Universe 1.1.A War of Gifts(安德的礼物) 01.Ender's Game(安德的游戏) 02.Speaker for the Dead(死者代言人) 03.Xenocide(外星屠异) 04.Children of the Mind(精神之子) 05.Ender in Exile(安德的流亡… -
Skandar Series by A.F. Steadman
01.Skandar and the Unicorn Thief(Skandar #1) 02.Skandar and the Phantom Rider(Skandar #2) 03.Skandar and the Chaos Trials(Skandar #3) 04.Skandar and the Skeleton Curse(Skandar #4) Skandar Series是一个充满奇… -
猎魔人系列英文原版小说 | The Witcher Series by Andrzej Sapkowski
01.The Last Wish(白狼崛起) 02.Sword Of Destiny(宿命之剑) 03.Blood of Elves(精灵之血) 04.The Time of Contempt(轻蔑时代) 05.Baptism of Fire(火之洗礼) 06.The Tower of Swallows(雨燕之塔) 07.Lady of the Lake(湖中女士) 08.Season of St… -
羊毛战记原著小说 | Silo Series by Hugh Howey
羊毛战记 | Wool Omnibus (Silo #1) by Hugh Howey 星移记 | Shift (Silo #2) by Hugh Howey 尘埃记 | Dust Dust (Silo #3) by Hugh Howey 他欺骗你,隐瞒真相,但却是真心为你好…… 他不惜杀人,只是渴望你能够好好活下去…… 你,愿意这样活着吗…………………………? 那个时候,已经没有人住在地面上。 … -
沙丘系列 | Dune Chronicles 1-8 by Frank Herbert
沙丘1 | Dune (Dune #1) by Frank Herbert 沙丘2 : 沙丘救世主 | Dune Messiah (Dune #2) by Frank Herbert 沙丘3 : 沙丘之子 | Children of Dune (Dune #3) by Frank Herbert 沙丘4 : 沙丘神帝 | God Emperor of Dune (Dune #4) by Frank…